Still, I'll keep pushing on. Better is the enemy of done. I can always go back. Or, more likely, start over with the benefit of having failed once already.
A lot of these recent guys have been made in the service of an idea. Which is not how I started doing things. It's been sort-of good and sort-of bad. It's different, which is useful. On the one hand it gives me something to aim for. On the other, I seem to lack a lot of the inspiration that gets me through the less planned-out ones. There's some electrokinetic "psiborgs" (who need a decent name) that seem adequate, but I felt like I was only going through the motions. They're done - three variants and coloured - but they lack je ne sais quois. Maybe I'll post them if I'm really bored.
I bring this all up, because today I was bricked by inspiration and managed to turn a scribble into something interesting and unexpected to me. I've almost finished vectoring it up, and then I'll have some fun with colours that aren't hospital-blue or dead-fish grey. I'll get some saturation going.
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