A public dumping ground for words and pictures. Contact me at ThomasTamblyn@Gmail.com

Monday 20 June 2011


Yula is a word that means something between honour and law. It is the sum of honour and obligation upon a person, and also a property of things in the world bestowed upon a person. Countries, people, objects and agreements can all have yula.

A country's yula might include its code of laws, which all its inhabitants would be expected to follow. In turn the country protects and provides for its people.

If someone offends against yula then there must be some kind of penance or punishment involved to cleanse that person. It is a serious accusation and will often be a matter for the courts. Only in the most exceptional circumstances, self-defence for example, is it permissible to violate yula.

Everyday life is full of unspoken yula. You are invited into someone's house with the yula that you behave respectably. You are given good service by a shopkeeper with the yula that you do not disparage his wares. You are given free use of the roads and pathways with the yula that you not obstruct them.

Yula can be a source of strength. One might be given a bow and a quiver of arrows, all from the same tree, with the yula to fire never shoot other arrows from it. The arrows from that bow will fly straighter and truer than they would for a bow with no yula.

There is also divine yula, which are the intuitive laws that all people share. To respect the Gods and yula. To do no unnecessary harm. To pursue peace. To be generous to those in need. And so forth. Offenses against the divine yula are the most serious of matters as even those unaware of yula are expected to have an inborn sense of what is good and what is wrong.