I've failed at giving these guys a good name. The title above is a placeholder until I come up with something good. They're supposed to be vaguely city-ish unjapanese ninja-ish people. And the one in the middle turned out a bit too John Travolta as a result. I'm not entirely unhappy with him though - he's just a bit weird. Sporadic weirdness is good.

The linework's a bit borderline. The idea is they're drawing those cleaverish swords from where they hang on their backs, but I didn't get it looking right. It might have worked better with an actual visible sheath, slung like a bedroll, but the twisted torsos made gatting a working angle a bitch. At least the legs aren't as bad as they were - until i realised and fixed it, their left knee was roughly three inches below their hip.
Alpha makes me think of white chocolate and raspberry though, which is nice. And Beta and Gamma's hairstyles have pleasantly low nodecounts.
They're done though. Post 'em and keep moving.
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